Monday, July 17

Great picture

Another amazing picture my dad took of the back of hy head.The back of my head will become famous because of this photo.

Eli Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

I see mrs.Thompson and cody and troy and you

Anonymous said...

thank you for not putting me in there... i look REALLY dumb

Anonymous said...

oh no not MRS.THOMPSON faster

Anonymous said...

I think Mrs. Thompson thought her LIFE GOAL was to make all of our lives TOTALLY MISERABLE!!!

Anonymous said...

Now watch Mrs.T read these comments and like, kill us with her pen. And then give us an F... but only the honor roll students have to stay back a grade!

Anonymous said...

i am scared...mrs.t has come back...4 revenge!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok...someone obviously doesn't like mrs'T...

Anonymous said...

no body likes mrs. t!!

Anonymous said...

ok, so not in there, luckily, so cool pic?

Anonymous said...

soooo........does anyone remember any of the actual stuff we had to learn there???? cause i might be stupid, cause i dont.