Sunday, July 30

He lives

What I Thought Bob Marley was dead. well it turns out theres a white comedian named Bob Marley. To bad my last name wasn't Jorgenson. It wonder what his siblings names are if he has any.

Mr. Jorgendaughter
(eli) Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

wheres kelly

Anonymous said...

please don't turn into sam..or connor for that matter

Anonymous said...

it's AWESOME?!?!?!?!?

Anonymous said...

if eli turns into sam, i'll have 2 hurt myself, then i'll kill sam

Anonymous said...

im sorry. that last comment is just mean. sam is the coolest guy on the planet!!! he rox! especially his little song in music!![oh yeah, u were just fine too, eli. srry.]

Anonymous said...

that class[music] scared me so much!! i never want to see her again!!!!

Anonymous said...

im just glad i dont have her until next semester, maybe she'll have left for her yearly "trip" by then.