Tuesday, July 18

From below

I Am scared now kitty-cat. Please don't................Ahhh!!......nice...kitty......MY....LEG.......


Anonymous said...

ELI WHAT THE . . . poor kitty

you are EVIL

Anonymous said...

i think the kitty looks kinda cute...your so mean!

Anonymous said...

animal abuse... you're EVIL!!!!!! jk

Anonymous said...

oh my god that is SO not funny...there write animal anuse,...and i am quite scared

Anonymous said...

that is a really scary kitty...you need some help

Anonymous said...

i bet thats why eli doesnt have any pets.

Anonymous said...

OMG ELI NOW HAS A CAT!!!!!!!! EVERYONE RUN FOR UR LIVES!!!! his cat is SOOOO cute, tho. fyi.

Anonymous said...

it slits his wrists sometimes tho....at least that what he sayd.