Wednesday, October 18


Who is that dashing young seabound lad. Me trying to get a lobster pot bouy in the water in Maine.
Eli Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

seabound lad? yeah right and your girlfriend loves andrew! sarcasm is great!

Anonymous said...

it looks like the "dashing seabound lad" is getting splashed in the face with salt water...yummy!!

Anonymous said...

i'm sorry but that awesomely awesome looking guy doesn't look like you eli... don't feel bad

Anonymous said...

lol lol lol
to...much...laughing...can not...breath....

Anonymous said...

yeah... about that guy. he looks alot cooler than you...and do you spell that??

Anonymous said...

I do not like Andrew!! That's just totally and completely SICK!!

Anonymous said...

i really dont!! seriously!!!!

Anonymous said...

Way to be Ev....but you totally like ELI"S BROTHER....mwhahahaha

Anonymous said...

i never knew Ashley liked eli and his brother....uh-oh, that could be very bad for you, eli.

Anonymous said...

who wrote that?? thats mean!

Anonymous said...

ok. shut up i dont like andrew. its not my fault 7th grade dustin calls me andrew....