Thursday, October 19

Looks quite odd

I was extermly bored today so I made this Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

psychadelic man

Anonymous said...

eli you are such a freak

Anonymous said...

I could say sooo many things, but i'm going to be nice and say this very gently... you look totally and completely CREEPY!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

sorry evyn have to do homework now

Anonymous said...

sorry eli lyndsey and i are talking in the form of your blog!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hola evyn

Anonymous said...

ok bye

Anonymous said...

do not read eli look away

Anonymous said...

what i thought you were doing homework

Anonymous said...

i don't think he'll look away:(

Anonymous said...

its not like we were saying bad things... i think

Anonymous said...

you came just in time

Anonymous said...


cough cough

Anonymous said...

he probably won't

Anonymous said...

16 comments some not even refuring to the blog

Anonymous said...

ok i think its time to switch to another post now..

Anonymous said...

what journal entry did you choose?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

yes he is a zac wannabe

Anonymous said...

hola! komostas! eli u give me the creeps- Moo Cow

Anonymous said...

you are a creepy, wacked out, freaky, dorky, ... jk

Anonymous said...

everytime isee this it just creeps me out

Anonymous said...

no, the creepiest is the zac efron vs. eli thing. thats so planned

Anonymous said...

that zac thing isnt even FAIR! He screwed the pictures up so they dont look alike, which is retarded.