Saturday, October 7

Ginger Bread house

This is a sadly mad ginger bread house in the making. We all got sick after! ( Im about to puke right now)

cough cough)-li Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

eli how old are you in this picture?!

Evyn is home now. . . i think

Anonymous said...

Eli, you say it's you in the picture...but i think you are trying to hide something. Your identical yet evil twin, perhaps??

Anonymous said...

i feel the need to eat a rice crispie now thanx eli

Anonymous said...

im sorry but you look 5 in this picture

Anonymous said...

i reconoiter, i think he is 6

Anonymous said...

he looks mentally challenged, im srry. its true, isnt it?

btw, next time i see u im givin u a high five cause hugs r overrated just fyi!!!