Wednesday, October 18

Eli V.S. Zac Efron

Total difference!!!! Nothing alike. I DON'T LOOK LIKE ZAC EFRON (liz,evyn)
Dosn't look like Zac
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Anonymous said...

I guess i have to admit there is a slight similarity... maybe. You do know that evyn loves Zac so there is another similarity other than appearance... or is there?

Anonymous said...

you wish there was a similarity!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Eli you streached your face and squished zacs

Anonymous said...

poor evyn having to choose between the two of you- zac and you

Anonymous said...

eli,even if you were INVISIBLLE liz would probably still call you and make you say things that AREN"T BAD!!! [hint,hint]

Anonymous said...

evyn did you write that

eli you shouldn't be afraid to say things. . . . . if you mean them

Anonymous said...

your hair does

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

hi i think zac is kinda cu-oh sorry forgot i was on a blog... especially ELI'S

Anonymous said...

be right back... reading other comments

Anonymous said...

go to ones that aren't showing go to that side bar thing and click

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

about the first comment... how do u know i like zac? it is true but still...STALKER!!!AHHHHHHH!

Anonymous said...

now i really have to do my homework sorry evyn ill see you tommorow

Anonymous said...

I can't believe u would try to hide this Eli...if that is your real it?? I never did think that M was your middle initial...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

creepy!!!! srry, eli, its true. dont compare urself 2 celebrities, it wont work

Anonymous said...

not even his hair looks like zac's....well, not anymore.

Anonymous said...

LOL omg eli no u dont really look alike...cuz zac efron is GORGEOUS and u, well, arent....nuff said...LOL

Anonymous said...

now that last one was just.....mean, but true. but like everyone lese, u did plan that. cause i no i was right, u used to look like him, but even more in 8th grade