Monday, August 28

One sweet view

This is our awseome view from our hotel room in the windy city. That big bubble was over the pool

E- unit Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

evyn is sucha smarty pants... hope you enjoy her because i don't... she's all yours

Anonymous said...

um... about the picture... georgeous...just like how you think
evyn is

Anonymous said...

Evyn likes you as zac efron jk she likes you 2

Anonymous said...

i HATE your girlfriend...

Anonymous said...

evyn is coool and she wants you to hold her hand but you're too chicken . . .BOCK BOCK BOCK . . . oh by the way youreallydothinksheisprettyevenifuwon'tadmittit!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i hadn't seen it until now....i am almost POSITIVE a certain elizabeth wrote those comments....

Anonymous said...

e-unit? seriously? ur NEVER gonna be that kind of guy, r u? i mean, u can change and all, but...

Anonymous said...

yikes, that really creeps me out. i might have to go see a counsler now...

Anonymous said...

im not exactly sure that counsler is spelled right...but who cares? we won the championship!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!GO US!!!!!