Saturday, March 29


its been like 2 years
if u are still going on here and reading this
im sry but u have no life or ur just obsessed with me (who isnt!!)

Sunday, April 29


Ive been traped in a lobster trap ahhhhhhhhh
i am soooo underwater if u cant tell

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Sunday, April 8

ohhhhhh! Burnnn

Gottfreid just got burned on that one. I found this picture in some hidden files on my computer.

Sunday, November 5


That is why I never enrolled on the pumpkin army. SPLAT!!!!

Somwhat wounded,
Major Philips Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 19

Looks quite odd

I was extermly bored today so I made this Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, October 18

Eli V.S. Zac Efron

Total difference!!!! Nothing alike. I DON'T LOOK LIKE ZAC EFRON (liz,evyn)
Dosn't look like Zac
 Posted by Picasa


Who is that dashing young seabound lad. Me trying to get a lobster pot bouy in the water in Maine.
Eli Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, October 17


FROM Darwin awards news letter "Like two men, 17 and 21, who imitated Darth Vader, and made light sabres
from fluorescent light tubes. That's right, they opened them up, poured
gasoline inside, and lit them. As one can imagine, a Star Wars sized
explosion was not far behind. Darth Vader died, while his opponent
survived to 'fess up to their creative, but stupid, reenactment."

HAHAHA You should get the online newsletter if you don't have it. You can get it on the darwin awards website.
Don't do this at home
(Why is my name so short) Eli Posted by Picasa

Saturday, October 7

Ginger Bread house

This is a sadly mad ginger bread house in the making. We all got sick after! ( Im about to puke right now)

cough cough)-li Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, September 13


Can you find the elephant? Its quite hard (cough, cough) Is that really an elephant Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 28

One sweet view

This is our awseome view from our hotel room in the windy city. That big bubble was over the pool

E- unit Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 31

Sweet man!

Most exelcent van wanye. This pimped out ride was outside of the killer airport in Alaska.

Party on,
Eli Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 30

Links and GAMES

Scroll down to the bottom for links and games I'll add more.

He lives

What I Thought Bob Marley was dead. well it turns out theres a white comedian named Bob Marley. To bad my last name wasn't Jorgenson. It wonder what his siblings names are if he has any.

Mr. Jorgendaughter
(eli) Posted by Picasa

Friday, July 21


This freak in Alaska was wearing a parka in the middle of the summer. Crazy lady!
Eli Posted by Picasa

Thursday, July 20

Special Edition

This Blog has John he helps Me write better. This is a picture of a gear flush toilet. It's awesome and in Alaska. Just don't put it in reverse when your sitting on it. Now John has betrayed me probly to go see this sweet toliet. It's in the handycap Bathroom.
Eli Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, July 18


Look it's my Backyard. Come on kids lets go play chicken with nuclear bombs. Good,Explosive,fun for everyone.

From below

I Am scared now kitty-cat. Please don't................Ahhh!!......nice...kitty......MY....LEG.......
This is a picture of the worst jello malufunction ever. It tasted good though.
Eli Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 17

Santa the Brave

Santa's a warrior? What? I think santa is having a idenity crisis.
Eli Posted by Picasa

Great picture

Another amazing picture my dad took of the back of hy head.The back of my head will become famous because of this photo.

Eli Posted by Picasa
This a picture my dad took of Notre Dame, not so goodPosted by Picasa
I have my own root beer ha! It taste a little funner but I have my own root beer. I also have a Bluebery soda.
Eli Posted by Picasa

Toy room

Here's another picture of the ROOM. It was at a stove shop in Maine.
Eli Posted by Picasa

Scarier toy room

This is a photo a room filled with toys THAT MOVED! I was the most demonic thing I have ever seen. I'll post another picture of it.
Now Disturbed,
Eli Posted by Picasa

Sunday, July 16

Strange Things

This a real Grave in Bucksport,Maine. See the foot. This is the grave of colonel Jonathan Buck.
It is said to be caused by a curse of an innocent woman he sentanced to death He last words included I will come back to dance on your grave. It won't come of the grave. I saw this with my eyes it's weird. Eli  Posted by Picasa

Santa in Alaska

This is a photo I took of Santa in Alska at a Buffalo farm. I always knew he had an obsesion with buffalos.
No elves or presents with him- Oh,mabye he was selling his rainder for buffalos. Anyways this gives me proof that santa is a stalker.
Bloged by That kid
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